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A photo of Eli Zupke

Eli Zupke graduated from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona in 2021 with a BS in Computer Science and a minor in Music.

Recent Posts

Moving to Mini.css

21 Aug 2021 
css website mini.css

I’ve decided to overhaul this website with an improved visual design and more responsive layout. To that end, I’ve added a CSS framework: mini.css.

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Next and Previous Page Links

31 Jul 2021 
jekyll html css website

I have added a new feature to this site. At the bottom of each blog post and project, there are now links that lead to the next and previous page.

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I Made a Website

22 Jul 2021 
jekyll html css website

This website is a portfolio of all of the projects I’ve worked on. Over the time to come, I intend to update it with projects I’ve worked on in the past and any new projects to come.

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